[A83] Re: Controlled BLODding (more or less:)
[A83] Re: Controlled BLODding (more or less:)
You're having to hit a key every loop so that you satisfy the _GeyKey
call. It pauses until it gets a keypress.
> inc b ;No clue why, but if u inc b and keep outputting
> ld a,b ;it to 10h (lcd's command port), when u press ON the
> BLODs start and keep coming allll the time.
> out (10h),a
> call _getKey
> cp 09h ;clear press?
> jp z,exitloop
> jp startloop
> ld a,1Ah ;BLOD's only occur at 1Ch to 1Fh.
> ;I found a lower value reset's
> the lcd to the normal operation mode
> out (10h),a ;
> call _clrLCDFull
> call _homeup
> ret ;you've gotta know what this is:)