[A83] Controlled BLODding (more or less:)


[A83] Controlled BLODding (more or less:)

<BLOD's return about every month, so if this bothers you, sorry, just read on i would say>

hi everyone im a beginning asm programmer. I find blod's really amusing (who doesn't?) and i made a prog to create blods in a "Controlled" way (eg they dont crash ur calc) Think this works, at least it does with my calc. Start prog, press ON and the BLODding starts. Press CLEAR to exit. Have fun, id say 

ps. If anyone more advanced to ASM could explain me  ¡why! you need to press on first and all......

     inc b      ;No clue why, but if u inc b and keep outputting
     ld a,b      ;it to 10h (lcd's command port), when u press ON the BLODs start and keep coming allll the time.
     out (10h),a 
     call _getKey
     cp 09h  ;clear press?
     jp z,exitloop
     jp startloop

     ld a,1Ah                         ;BLOD's only occur at 1Ch to 1Fh. 
                                           ;I found a lower value reset's the lcd to the normal operation mode
     out (10h),a ;
     call _clrLCDFull
     call _homeup

     ret   ;you've gotta know what this is:)
