[A83] Re: Testing a MirageOS program


[A83] Re: Testing a MirageOS program

I remember the simulator would sometimes crash for me also or not want to 
start up, and when that infrequently occurred it could be fixed by 
reinstalling the software. I haven't had any trouble with the latest version 
of the simulator though, the one that supports the 73 and 83+ SE now, so you 
should try that version. Also, to load an 8xp file that was assembled, it 
needs to have the correct header created by DevPac8X or Bin2Var and not 
DevPac83, but Im sure everyone already uses a combination of those tools, 
right? all 83+ programs are made with those hopefully...

-Jason K

In a message dated 8/1/01 5:16:53 AM Central Daylight Time, 
hyper@hysoft-automation.com writes:

> You need to stop the emulation iwth the stop button, and in one of the menus 
> on the right (in the menu-bar) there are options to send flash-apps and 
> ram-files onto the emu-calc
> NOTE: On my system, the Debugger crashes when loading a ram-file into the 
> emu-calc.
> --(Peter-Martijn)
> > 
> > 
> > How do you load programs and not .83d files into the simulator?
> >