Re: A83: Defining SendAByte and RecAByte
Re: A83: Defining SendAByte and RecAByte
i think your code won't compile! you can't do 'ld (Asm_Ind_call), 11d'. you have to load it into 'a' first. this should work...
;;; begin code ;;;
#ifdef TI83
;; type this all on one line ;;
#define bcallSendAByte push af \ ld a, 11d \ ld (Asm_Ind_call), a \ call _IO_EXEC \ pop af
;; new line ;;
#ifdef TI83P
#define bcallSendAByte bcall(_SendAByte)
;;; end code ;;;
also shouldn't that be 'bcall(_SendAByte)' not 'bcall(SendAByte)'?
A^2 Programming