Re: A83: New Ti-83
Re: A83: New Ti-83
I think that is called the Ti-82.
At 07:31 PM 10/19/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Did anybody know that Ti has released a new Ti-83???
>The major changes are:
>* A box-shaped form, not anymore the smooth edges, but a rather 'gray
>* Blue LCD, very slow. You will probably know from old notebooks that you
>could see the mouse pointer long after it has moved to another spot. Well
>the same to this one (so most games are horrible to look at).
>* It seems to have some more free bytes, although I don't think it's true.
>I think it's just something like the box it is shipped in no longer says
>'27k free user RAM' but now '28k free user RAM'. Because the real value it
>is between 27k and 28k...
>* The link-port is now mounted at the right-side of the calc, and therefore
>it now has a shorter link-cable...
>* It's a lot cheaper
>If anybody can say me if it's true or if it is just an (illegal) 'clone',
>mail me
>I now have to find out if it has an new ROM-version. But I don't have the
>courage to step to someone, and ask if I may do a "MODE + Alpha + S" at his
>If you have some info, don't expect me to answer soon, I'm on holiday for a
>week or so.