A83: New Ti-83
A83: New Ti-83
Did anybody know that Ti has released a new Ti-83???
The major changes are:
* A box-shaped form, not anymore the smooth edges, but a rather 'gray
* Blue LCD, very slow. You will probably know from old notebooks that you
could see the mouse pointer long after it has moved to another spot. Well
the same to this one (so most games are horrible to look at).
* It seems to have some more free bytes, although I don't think it's true.
I think it's just something like the box it is shipped in no longer says
'27k free user RAM' but now '28k free user RAM'. Because the real value it
is between 27k and 28k...
* The link-port is now mounted at the right-side of the calc, and therefore
it now has a shorter link-cable...
* It's a lot cheaper
If anybody can say me if it's true or if it is just an (illegal) 'clone',
mail me
mailto: HPoley@DDS.nl
I now have to find out if it has an new ROM-version. But I don't have the
courage to step to someone, and ask if I may do a "MODE + Alpha + S" at his
If you have some info, don't expect me to answer soon, I'm on holiday for a
week or so.