Re: A83: Re: Zelda: Test of Courage
Re: A83: Re: Zelda: Test of Courage
In a message dated 22/03/00 18:29:24 GMT Standard Time, writes:
> My Zelda engine for the 86 was hard coded in the sense that you had to
> recompile the source if you wanted to add/modify items or enemies and such.
> Creating loadable modules for something like that doesn't make much sense
> for a calculator game (especially since if I ever released it the source
> would go with it). However, all routines are usually not more than a few
> calls to standard AI routines, and they are called from a table based on
> their integer number.
Yes, this is the kind of thing I mean. Your "standard" routines are the
programming language for the game. With a few simple conditional
tests you could write a whole game without a line of Z80 code.
> Hence, when it comes down to actually creating
> enemies and objects, the code is quite short. The editor for the engine
> allows one to change all of the maps, enemy positions, warps, doors, how the
> map fits together, people, objects, etc. Text is controlled in the editor,
> but to actually change the text, you must recompile the source.
So your editor outputs Z80 assembler code, or macros presumably,
or lists of system routines :)
>> Doesn't everyone else hardcode their assembly games in this manner? Im not
>> sure what you are talking about. Are you asking if we are using a map
>> editor?
> If you write a map editor, you will save yourself an immense amount of time.
> A simple editor only takes a few hours to write in C. And on the plus side,
> other people will be able to help you with maps.
Write it in TP5.5+ and make it even quicker :) (cue language fight).
>> We plan to have a map editor... if I ever get around to "hacking" one out.
> Not necessarily. It seems like it would be, but if you design it correctly
> (the hard part), programming it is not all that tough. And the beauty of it
> is that once you get it done, it sort of just plays itself. Sort of like
> writing an emulator.
But.... you have to get the design right in the first place, of course. If the
concept of the design is wrong, the code will just get buried in a mire of
spaghetti. I must play this TI-86 LoZ game :)