A83: crack team for LOZ:TOC
A83: crack team for LOZ:TOC
I was thinking about getting a bunch of guys to write different parts
of the game. Example: I could write the code for FMV and MIDI
player, while someone else writes the music and draws the pics.
Are there any good LOZ drawers out there? Draw them into 10
pics and send them to use, I guess. We'd need storyline and all
that to make sure the game pics fit in right, and of course approval
of the original programmers (we can't do anything they don't want
to), but most of all, it'll take some work to do it. Who wants to try
to tackle this prob?
Shigeru Miyamoto, Post Rapture, and Yachiyo Underwood are three people who will be remembered forever.
-The Godfather