Re: A83: Could we get back to the subject?
Re: A83: Could we get back to the subject?
On 6 Mar 00, at 14:44, David Phillips wrote:
> Heh, you've obviously never programmed the 6502 :) The 6502 is quite,
> quite different than the z80. The z80 is like a weak x86, since it
> was based on the 8080, which preceded the 8086. The z80 is good for
> math and such, whereas it is more difficult on the 6502. But the 6502
> is way more powerful when it comes to addressing modes. Almost as
> powerful as a 68k in that respect. z80 would be so nice if it had
> indirect indexed addressing.
> But, yes, it could be done on a z80. I'm just pointing out that you
> can't exactly compare the cpu's in that manner. I have an engine for
> the 86 (in grayscale, of course) that is sort of similiar to Gauntlet,
> and I worked on it for about six months. About 13,000 lines of
> assembly code. Some things are trivial, but a game like that is
> definitely not.
My thoughts were this: The 6502 has only three registers, while
the Z80 has seven. Also, the one for C64 (The 6510) is only 1 mHz
while the Z80 in calcs are 6.
In his own way, Mick Foley is a God.
-The Godfather