Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Kay <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
> I am not suggesting a windowing system like Prosit, mearly a task
> A well written multitasking routine would not lock up your calculator, and
> could even provide a degree of crash protection for errors such as
> loops, etc. I don't get your point, how would my system waste 9.5kb of
> memory? It would take up a few more bytes for the key index table but I
> would have advantages such as if your upgraded your copy of the game you
> would keep the map, and you could archive the map or trade it seperate of
> the game. You obviously didn't get --my-- point, I care whether you
> it "cool" enough. I want to see if it can be done, that is my interest in
> programming. Not slaving away at a game that I wont have much time to play
> anyway.
> --Robin Kay--
If you are doing it just to see if it can be done, then Matt Shepcar already
did it with Rascall for the 86.
Perhaps the reason that I am angry stems from the fact that I dont want the
83 to become as inflated as the 85 with shells. Its annoying enough now,
for an 83 release to require you to port the game to Ashell, SOS, Ion 83,
and Ion 83+.
And a little background on why I program. I dont have an 83, I never did.
I have a Ti82 with a broken linkport and a Ti92, which i bought 3 years ago
for calculus. I program using VTI, and solely programmed on emulators
before VTI came about, in the days of Randy Gluvna's Ti8xemu (approx 2 years
ago). Therefore, i never play the game on a calculator and dont need a
shell to help me when the calculator locks up.