Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
I am not suggesting a windowing system like Prosit, mearly a task switcher.
A well written multitasking routine would not lock up your calculator, and
could even provide a degree of crash protection for errors such as infinite
loops, etc. I don't get your point, how would my system waste 9.5kb of
memory? It would take up a few more bytes for the key index table but I
would have advantages such as if your upgraded your copy of the game you
would keep the map, and you could archive the map or trade it seperate of
the game. You obviously didn't get --my-- point, I care whether you consider
it "cool" enough. I want to see if it can be done, that is my interest in
programming. Not slaving away at a game that I wont have much time to play
--Robin Kay--
Richard Harper Maddox wrote:
> Let me clarify this: While the Ti83+ may have the ability of presenting
> a WindowsCE like interface, who would want it?
> Id rather have a good programmer working on a kickass game than
> multitasking routines that would probably lock up my calculator due to
> Memory Allocation errors.
> About the No program write-back... One of the reasons i program in asm
> is because of the amount of control which you exhibit over a program.
> and with this *supposedly* good feature of the shell handling it, how
> the hell are you supposed to edit a large map in a game such as Legend
> of Zelda. That is a gross waste of about 9.5k of space if i used this
> technique to make a copy.
> While you can moan about how the calculator has the resources to
> accomplish all of these tasks, and im not arguing with you there, the
> net benefit of these features is certainly not worth the cost.
> Obviously, I do not consider "just to see if I can do it" good enough
> reason to attempt the shell. If you want to try to do something cool,
> then try to make pinball, or a nintendo Classic like Contra.
> oh, and if you did not catch me the first time, PLEASE make a GAME
> instead of a SHELL.
> -harper