Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
As I work it out it's: TSE Header + Relocated Code + Internal Data + External
Call Structure + External Data + Assembly Flags + Preserved Screen + Stack. But
given the premise that programs will be kept in the Flash and only copied into
RAM on demand then the 22kb (?) the 83+ has will be much more than enough. While
I'm on the subject, what information is their available on the structure of the
Flash-ROM on 83+? The _Arc_Unarc function is unsuitable becuase it transfers
rather than copies from the Flash.
--Robin Kay--
Clem wrote:
> You don't need a multi-tasking kernel to implement a crash protection.
> You can do it with a mere interrupt routine, like I did in Zac and Ion86.
> Btw, writing such a multitasking kernel is definately possible on TI calcs,
> since I wrote one for the Ti-86. The main problem is screen sharing,
> because if you want to allocate a full screen to each task, it will take
> lots
> of memory (not really a problem with the 16k free page on the Ti-86).
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Robin Kay <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 6:58 PM
> Subject: Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
> >
> > I am not suggesting a windowing system like Prosit, mearly a task
> switcher.
> > A well written multitasking routine would not lock up your calculator, and
> > could even provide a degree of crash protection for errors such as
> infinite
> > loops, etc. I don't get your point, how would my system waste 9.5kb of
> > memory? It would take up a few more bytes for the key index table but I
> > would have advantages such as if your upgraded your copy of the game you
> > would keep the map, and you could archive the map or trade it seperate of
> > the game. You obviously didn't get --my-- point, I care whether you
> consider
> > it "cool" enough. I want to see if it can be done, that is my interest in
> > programming. Not slaving away at a game that I wont have much time to play
> > anyway.
> >
> > --Robin Kay--
> ---
> Clem Vasseur <>
> Icarus Productions <>