Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
Re: A83: Shells on the 83+
I know that you can't call ROM Calls from within interrupts, is that what you're talking
about? The programs arn't executing from within the interrupt handler though so what's the
Good Night, It's 1am,
--Robin Kay--
James Matthews wrote:
> > They got it free becvuase they beta tested the SDK for TI. You need to get your program
> > cyrptographically signed by TI to make a Flash-APP. It costs $99 for the Education SDK
> > (Three signings), and $300 for the Proffesional SDK (Ten signings).
> >
> > --Robin Kay--
> Hehe, ok...that's why :)...I suppose I might get it free too, then.
> But, with respect to your OS idea...I dunno. You seem quite adamant about your
> multitasking idea, but I've got my doubts like Jason. Firstly, remember with your
> interrupts that none of the registers can change -- so that basically means no ROM Calls,
> which REALLY limits what you could achieve with multitasking. Secondly, why the hell would
> you wanna do it anyway?
> Later,
> James.