Re: A83: Re: First program


Re: A83: Re: First program

Could someone please explain how this not being able to use 16-bit registers in instructions that use an 8-bit register
thing works.  How do I load my number that was inputted from OP1 to a for my other ops?
Also are my < > opperand correct if I use a inc    b instead of the +1 thing?


Kouri wrote:

> You can't use the 16-bit registers in instructions that use an 8-bit register, unless you are trying to dereference a
> 16-bit pointer [ like ld a,(hl) ]. Also, you cannot do instructions like cp b+1. First you would have to inc b, then you
> could cp it.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew Oliver" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 14:27
> Subject: A83: First program
> I've been quietly surfing the lists and reading all the ASM tutorials I could
> get my hands on for about the last 3 months and decided I finally knew enough
> to try converting one of my BASIC programs over.  I have written the
> re-written the basic function of the program in ASM, but I have a few problems
> and questions.
> Code:
> ;Degree Convertor v2.0
> ;---------------= header =--------------
>  .nolist
>  #include ""
> pgmio_exec .equ 50B2h
> ASM_IND_CALL .equ 80C8h
>  .list
> #ifdef TI83P
>  .org progstart-2
>  .db $BB,$6D
> #else
>  .org progstart
> #endif
>  ret
>  jr nc,start
>  .db "Degree Convertor v2.0",0
> ;---------------= define =--------------
> ;---------------= get user input =--------------
> start:
>  ld      de,821ch
>  ld      hl,prompt
>  ld      bc,16
>  ldir
>  ld      a,1
>  ld      (ASM_IND_CALL),a
>  bcall(pgmio_exec)
>  ld bc,90d ;store 90 to b
>  bcall(_convop1)
>  ld a,de ;load op1 to accumulator
>  cp bc \ jr nc,small ;jump to "small" if b(90)>a
>  cp bc+1 \ jr nc,big ;jump to "big" if b(90)<a
>  ret
> small:
>  sub bc  ;subtract bc(90) from a
>  ld a,hl  ;load a to hl
>  jp &display ;jump to display
> big:
>  ld bc,450D  ;load 450 into bc
>  sub bc ;subtract bc(450) from a
>  ld a,hl  ;load a to hl
>  jp &display ;jump to display
> display:
>  bcall(_newline)
>  bcall(_disphl)
>  ret
> prompt: .db "Compass Deg: ",0
> .end
> .end
> Questions:
> 1) Does everything look in order in regards to have I done all the commands
> right?
> 2) When I try to compile it TASM thinks my registers are labels and complains
> about not being able to find them..What have I done wrong?
> 3) Are my <   > opperands right?  They don't look right to me, I got them off
> a tutorial and they compile fine..
> 4) I'm trying to keep my program 100% ION compatible, but am I allowed to
> define and use pgmio_exec and ASM_IND_CALL?
> 5) Have I dont my input routine correct?
> The formatting didn't quite copy right, I think I have all of the tab spacing
> correct in my source.
> I'm new to this so be critical!
> Thanks
> Andrew

Follow-Ups: References: