Re: A83: re:
Re: A83: re:
Questions are the whole purpose of mailing lists. If it is a crime to ask
some more experinced programmers a question. then i'm guilty as charged, but
let the others be, if they want to ask a more experinced programmer a
question about a problem they have then let them. Dont give them a hassel
about it
>From: John Wyrwas <>
>Subject: A83: re:
>Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 18:12:22 -0800 (PST)
>Inefficent? For you maybe, and the purpose of the
>list is not for people to solely get answers... who
>would the answers come from if we were all asking
>q's???? I am a begginner in ASM language but i plan
>to learn it without whining to a email mailing list
>when they don't guide me every step of the way.
>From: "WegBert" <>
>I don't know what the other guy was talking
>about, but should I refrain from
>asking questions anymore and instead spend time
>on a problem that someone
>else might have solved before? I _could_ go and
>figure it out myself, but it
>seems rather...inefficent to do everything from
>scratch. It also seems to
>defeat the purpose of this list...
>Chris Wegrzyn
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Olle Hedman" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 5:00 PM
>Subject: Re: A83: Input from user
> >
> > Like you and him? Sorry, but what the ti83+
>needs is not people asking
> > questions, but people who finds the answer to
>questions noone has found
> > answer on before. (and shares them)
> > answers doesn't come from devine intervention
>and textfiles mysteriously
> > appearing on websites (many seem to think
>that), but from hard working
> > who spends a lot of time experimenting, and
>finding the answers, and then
> > publishes them. (in said textfile, or whatever)
> >
> > file://Olle - couldn't keep quiet. Sorry that
>my first letter in such a
>long time as
> > this, would be one like this.
> >
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