Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]


Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

Dan Englender:
.... All the stuff you quoted from the SDK about JForceCmdNoChar is

  +- _JforceCmdNoChaR
  | SQUISH.INC        |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? | 
4024 |

  | JP to:            |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? |  ???? | 
043A |

  Note2: This info is taken from an 83+ SDK, so some things maybe

With this second note I didn't wanted to say that everything Ti's says is
incorrect, just that there are differences between the Ti-83+ the Ti-83.
This call is described in the 83+SDK as a 'special' app ROMcall. And the
Ti-83 (without plus) defenitely hasn't got app-capabilities, so...

	Henk Poley

The end of the world is nigh...
