Re: A83: Calling all great programmers!!
Re: A83: Calling all great programmers!!
Okay everybody. He is some very desperite man, he isn't using AOL so he
has to have some sort of (Extra Terrestial ?) intelligence...
So far the cinistic part...
"-Direct G-" what have you found already, that could help you yourself?
I'm pointing on things like:
1. Downloading "AsmGuru" by James Mathew
2. Downloading "Tasm", 'our' assembler
3. Downloading the Ti-83 'include-files'
Instead of the last two, you could also download:
"AsmStudio8x", but I recomend this only if you have an internet-connection
faster than 33k6... (some 16 Meg file you know).
First read the "AsmGuru" and than we will talk again. At least read (and
understand) the first 10/15 tuturials...
Henk Poley
PS: Also looking at otherones source-code could help alot, AsmGuru only
gave me the theoretical knowledge to program. But by attempting to
'improve' other programs I've learned alot.
And hmm, another thing, I really don't know much about Z80-assembly, but
you won't see it in my e-mails. Telling everybody that you're a "tiny
little (green) man, who asks: 'Please, please, help me', because I'm is
so-o-o-o-ooo helpless" isn't going to work (at least I think it won't).
> Hold up,
> Are you calling me incompitent. Just to let you know I've been
> programing in TI-BASIC for two years now and I'm pretty darn good. Maybe
> my problem is unclear, I need help with the logic behind some of this
> stuff not what commands to use once I have the logic. Your telling me
> there's info at well I'll check it out. Thanks.
> -Direct G-
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Richard Harper Maddox wrote:
> > there is plenty of information available. everyone else seems to find
> > this information. just look on for it. i assume that you
> > looking for help in getting started with 83+ programming? if so then
> > should check out the ION guru. It would be in your best interest to
> > get the 83 asm guru, a help file that includes many tutorials to help
> > learn asm. and please dont whine about nobody wanting to help you.
> > some pride in yourself and use existing information to start you in
> > programming.
> >
> > -harper