Re: A83:, Screenshots of TSE/MShell


Re: A83:, Screenshots of TSE/MShell

So can I use cmdshad to cmdshad+80 for storing the ION program loader (ie. Is
that also saferam)? Have you tried out TSE yet, what do you think??

--Robin Kay--

Joe Wingbermuehle wrote:

> >     (To Joe W): Thanks for letting me use your code, and of course I'll
> > credit you!! I was a bit worried that I might end up writing my own
> > libraries. Can I just write to the lVectors table to implement ION
> > support, is that a saferam area or do I need to do something special?
> At lVectors is a jump table in saferam, each lVector is a jp $XXXX
> command that jumps to the appropriate library.
> --
> Joe Wingbermuehle

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