Re: A83:, Screenshots of TSE/MShell


Re: A83:, Screenshots of TSE/MShell

    (To John Wyrwas): I think you're thinking of MirageOS that the TCPA
is making... That --IS-- going to be a flash app. I would love to make
TSE into a flash app, but as you can already keep most of TSE in the
archive there wouldn't be much of an advantage considering that TSE &
MShell currently only take up 571 bytes of RAM. I am hoping to have at
least partial ION support soon, it just needs a little more work (you
won't be able to multitask ION programs though)! Or course I am hoping
that people will want to write programs for TSE, task-switching will be
a really useful feature especially as I get more utility prorams written
(and hopfully as other people do as well). It shouldn't be too difficult
to port programs to TSE, it will really depend on how the program is
written, so some programs will be easier to port than others!
    (To Joe W): Thanks for letting me use your code, and of course I'll
credit you!! I was a bit worried that I might end up writing my own
libraries. Can I just write to the lVectors table to implement ION
support, is that a saferam area or do I need to do something special?
    (To Everybody): If all goes well I'll release TSE friday or
satuday... I just need to finish the documemtation!

--Robin Kay--

John Wyrwas wrote:

> Will there be any advantage to programming for TSE
> (other than task switching), such better libraries,
> etc?   Also, will it be difficult to convert ion
> programs into TSE?
> Originally, it was rumored that TSE would be a FLASH
> APP and also have ion support.  Why were those ideas nixed?
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