Re: A83: Upcoming Software From The Hays Games Company
Re: A83: Upcoming Software From The Hays Games Company
Laurens Holst wrote:
> > Nathan Gaylinn wrote:
> > > Look Mike, any idiot can tell that your little "sales pitch" let's call
> it,
> > > [...]
> > > no telling what you will get in response! One thing is sure though, it
> wont be
> > > good!
> >
> > You'll have to learn to ignore idiots, or you will go around mad always,
> and
> > probably die young from heart failure...
> I agree (not with the idiot-part by the way).
> I think the errm... what is the correct word... "atmosphere" on this
> Mailinglist is pretty fucked up. A lot of flaming etc, very childish I
> think. Some people ought to hold their breath 10 seconds before writing such
> messages.
> Might help.
> ~Grauw
> --
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> email me: or ICQ: 10196372
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The only reason our list gets this way is when the first idiot makes a comment,
then we all lose our heads and say things inappropriate for such mailing lists
as this. Just don't send rude, stupid or pointless messages, and if someone
does, don't respond right away! Do respond though, but don't be an idiot
Whatever happened to that "Chris" guy anyway? He still on this list?
"What, behind the rabbit?"-King Arthur
The Heat Index