Re: A83: Upcoming Software From The Hays Games Company
Re: A83: Upcoming Software From The Hays Games Company
Mike Smith wrote:
> Ted,
> We are sorry you feel this way about the suggested title 'Doorways NT4.0'
> slated for a Jan. 2000 release. However, we choose our list of upcoming
> programs based on previous user feedback. For example, we recieved over
> twice as many e-mails concerning Doorways NT3.0 when it was released, then
> we did with the release of Doorways '98. And when the lastest version of
> Doorways NT was released (NT3.3 in Nov.98), it still did not have network
> support added in yet. My point is, Doorways NT3.x was a very good, if not
> the best Ti83 Basic Language GUI there was, and if people who previously
> used the program remembered how good it was, come time to download a new
> GUI, they might want to continue with the name NT. But remember, that is
> only a planned released list which is subject to change, which means there
> may never even be a Doorways NT4.0 after all.
> I hope this information will prove valuable in answering your question.
> Michael Smith
> Hays Games Company
> ______________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
Look Mike, any idiot can tell that your little "sales pitch" let's call it,
isn't working here! No one cares, so your wasting your time, and you are only
letting yourself get flamed (or email bombed if Thomas gets too pissed) by
sending more messages! I agree w/ David, and think that the rest of us here
probably do too, so not only are we not interested in companies, websites,
groups, etc., but we don't even want them here! If you are smart, you will
stop bragging about, or even mentioning Hays, because if you don't, there is
no telling what you will get in response! One thing is sure though, it wont be
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