Re: A83: Easyest way to start learning
Re: A83: Easyest way to start learning
>On Thu, 27 May 1999 19:17:55 -0500 (CDT), Jesse McInturff wrote:
>>well yesterday i got my graph link. and now i am wondering what to do
>>(other than stock my school so full of games it will explode,everyone is
>>requiered to have a 83 for the math cource, someone smuggaled tetres and
>>tbout on but then the guy sold his computer.. he had the link weleded to
>>it) anywas whats the easyest way to start learneing. im a expert in BASIC
>>but its annoyingly restrective. i want sprites damit not just 0 or M.
>>anywase how to start learning (i have a good idea for a ASM sequal to a
>>basic game i made)
>I'm assuming you've downloaded ASMGURU from:
>Once you have that, read through it a bit and find the bits that relate to
>what you want to do. If there's bits you don't understand, just ask people
>on the mailing lists. Experiment - sprites are pretty easy to use once you
>learn all about the graph buffer (plotsscreen), although I still wish I knew
>how Bill Nagel made Penguins scroll so smoothly...
>Oh well, have fun =)
>James Vernon
unfortuntly i cant get that. i have a mac. i tryed getting it. i would be
very happy if someone would take all the text from it put it in a e-mail
and send it to me. when i tryed downloading it it was just useless jargen