Re: A83: more questions + some code


Re: A83: more questions + some code

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:53:18 PDT, the homonerdicus wrote:
>Hi everybody....
>Here I have the code of one of mine routines.
>It works in the following way.
>In mem at the location
>  30 bytes
>  10 bytes    unit1's data
>  10 bytes
>  10 bytes
>So for that hero I loop 3 times for the first (de=30) second (de=40) and
>third (de=50) units. It draws each unit and then ret's....
>I make ix pont to the attakingh then add the desired offset with de and 
>add other offsets with ix for the unit data....
>	ld de,001Eh			; 30 -> e wich is my counter
>left_unit_loop:				;
>	push ix				; push 001
>	ld (tmpw),ix			;
>        ld ix,(attackingh) 		;  begin mem location
>        add ix,de			;
>        ld a,(ix+Nofunits)		;
>	ld (tmp),a			;
>	jr z,left_unit_loop2		;
>        ld a,(ix+x)			;
>	ld b,a			; x coordinate in to b
>        ld a,(ix+y)			;
>	ld c,a			; y in to c
>        ld a,(ix+kind)			; and kind in to a
>	cp 2d				;
>	jr z,load_lich			; depending on
>            ; kind... i load the appropriate sprite
>	ld ix,skeleton_grfx		;
>	jr continue_1			;
>	ld ix,lich_grfx			;
>	push de				;push 002
>	call convert_cur		;           converts bc to the
>                                      ;right coordinates and puts
>				;   it in to de
>	call DRW_SPRW			; sprite routine
>	call _grbufcpy_v		;
>	pop de				;pop 002
>	pop ix				;pop 001
>	ld a,e				;
>	cp 50				;
>	jr z,left_unit_loop_end		; check if e is 50
>	add a,10			                ; if not add 10
>	ld e,a				;
>	jr left_unit_loop		;
>	ret				;
>The problem .....
>When I call it once it works fine.
>But if I call it a second time it bugs
>I tried calling it twice and I called _dispHL after to verify if it wasn't
>looping infinetly but it came to that command and gave an
>I'm out of ideas.... can anybody help ?
>any optimisation ?
>Do I have to push/pop ix before and after every time I use it ?
>PS. sorry about the large e-mail....
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I haven't read over all the code.. but in answer to Q2, no you shouldn't 
have to push/pop ix before and after everytime you use it (at least I don't 
think so). In the game I've just finished writing I didn't and it works 
fine. I'm sure you know that you have to push/pop iy if you use it though as 
it points to the mode flags.
Just as a matter of interest.. I found that the mode flags are at $8567.

James Vernon

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