A83: more questions + some code
A83: more questions + some code
Hi everybody....
Here I have the code of one of mine routines.
It works in the following way.
In mem at the location
30 bytes
10 bytes unit1's data
10 bytes
10 bytes
So for that hero I loop 3 times for the first (de=30) second (de=40) and
third (de=50) units. It draws each unit and then ret's....
I make ix pont to the attakingh then add the desired offset with de and then
add other offsets with ix for the unit data....
ld de,001Eh ; 30 -> e wich is my counter
left_unit_loop: ;
push ix ; push 001
ld (tmpw),ix ;
ld ix,(attackingh) ; begin mem location
add ix,de ;
ld a,(ix+Nofunits) ;
ld (tmp),a ;
jr z,left_unit_loop2 ;
ld a,(ix+x) ;
ld b,a ; x coordinate in to b
ld a,(ix+y) ;
ld c,a ; y in to c
ld a,(ix+kind) ; and kind in to a
cp 2d ;
jr z,load_lich ; depending on
; kind... i load the appropriate sprite
ld ix,skeleton_grfx ;
jr continue_1 ;
ld ix,lich_grfx ;
push de ;push 002
call convert_cur ; converts bc to the
;right coordinates and puts
; it in to de
call DRW_SPRW ; sprite routine
call _grbufcpy_v ;
pop de ;pop 002
pop ix ;pop 001
ld a,e ;
cp 50 ;
jr z,left_unit_loop_end ; check if e is 50
add a,10 ; if not add 10
ld e,a ;
jr left_unit_loop ;
ret ;
The problem .....
When I call it once it works fine.
But if I call it a second time it bugs
I tried calling it twice and I called _dispHL after to verify if it wasn't
looping infinetly but it came to that command and gave an
I'm out of ideas.... can anybody help ?
any optimisation ?
Do I have to push/pop ix before and after every time I use it ?
PS. sorry about the large e-mail....
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