Re: A83: learning asm
Re: A83: learning asm
I must say that I learnt z80 asm on the 83 as almost the first programming
language I know, I just started with Ahmed's Journals that gave me a
little starting position but some examples were wrong, then when movax
had explained to me how the graphbuffer and that stuff worked I have just
learnt myself from instruction lists, all source codes are just hard to
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Olle Hedman wrote:
> Yes you didn't know z80.. but you was not new to assembly programming in
> general! thats a big difference between you and the average ti83 coderwannabe.
> I did something like you. checked through the instructionset for tha z80 and
> began codeing right away..
> The thing with you and me is that we already knew how to code asm, before..
> The average "I want to program for the 83"-guy has never written any asm and
> doesn't have that basic knowledge.
> For them, Matthews tutorial and such is a good resource.
> //Olle
> Linus Akesson wrote:
> >
> > Not that I wanna be regarded as the surly hermit, but reading James'
> > tutorials isn't the only way... I haven't even peeked at them (oh, well, I
> > might have - but then I didn't come anywhere near _reading_ them). From
> > knowing absolutely nil about Z80 assembly language a year ago, I looked
> > through the official z80 specs and the documentation from TI. Then I wrote my
> > first program, a menu-based program locker/unlocker, without a link cable
> > (thus I had to rewrite all of it whenever it crashed. =)).