Re: A83: learning asm
Re: A83: learning asm
Yes you didn't know z80.. but you was not new to assembly programming in
general! thats a big difference between you and the average ti83 coderwannabe.
I did something like you. checked through the instructionset for tha z80 and
began codeing right away..
The thing with you and me is that we already knew how to code asm, before..
The average "I want to program for the 83"-guy has never written any asm and
doesn't have that basic knowledge.
For them, Matthews tutorial and such is a good resource.
Linus Akesson wrote:
> Not that I wanna be regarded as the surly hermit, but reading James'
> tutorials isn't the only way... I haven't even peeked at them (oh, well, I
> might have - but then I didn't come anywhere near _reading_ them). From
> knowing absolutely nil about Z80 assembly language a year ago, I looked
> through the official z80 specs and the documentation from TI. Then I wrote my
> first program, a menu-based program locker/unlocker, without a link cable
> (thus I had to rewrite all of it whenever it crashed. =)).