Re: A83: Official Announcment from Hays.


Re: A83: Official Announcment from Hays.

Buttering up Brian won't do you any good...  We all hate you... 
Especially me...  btw, I wouldn't consider 2 player guess an origional
game, it takes 2 minutes to make...  Probably longer for Hays though...

On Wed, 11 Aug 1999 20:39:34 PDT "Mike Smith" <>
> First of all, Mr. Rabeler, Hays does not see you as one of our 
> enemies.  As 
> fas as we can tell, you are one of the brightest members of the Ti 
> Community.  Furthermore, we hate as much as the next man, 
> which 
> is why we don't mind using their stupidity to our advantage.  Their 
> archives 
> are so bad, did you know they put up a hacked version of Grand Theft 
> Auto 
> with Kirk Meyers name on it?  Come on now, you know for those of you 
> on this 
> board who mock Hays and call us stupid, yet stand up for 
> and it's 
> members, Hays sure isn't suffering at all.  We have become some of 
> the most 
> popular figures in the Ti Community, even if we are seen as 'code 
> thefts' 
> wich are completly false accusations.  And for those of you who are 
> convinced we couldn't figure out the basics of Assembly if our lives 
> depended on it, how do you explain the so called duckhunt and 
> ztetris 
> 'hacks' that took place?  Although those were both completly 
> original 
> programs.  And to say we can't even code at all, what about Doorways 
> '98, 
> Hays Safe '99, Messenger '98, and all our other programs?  You can't 
> call us 
> stupid when we continue to beat the system time and again.  And by 
> the way, 
> we know we aren't a real company, but did you know that we can call 
> ourselves whatever we please?
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