A83: Official Announcment from Hays.
A83: Official Announcment from Hays.
First of all, Mr. Rabeler, Hays does not see you as one of our enemies. As
fas as we can tell, you are one of the brightest members of the Ti
Community. Furthermore, we hate ticalc.org as much as the next man, which
is why we don't mind using their stupidity to our advantage. Their archives
are so bad, did you know they put up a hacked version of Grand Theft Auto
with Kirk Meyers name on it? Come on now, you know for those of you on this
board who mock Hays and call us stupid, yet stand up for ticalc.org and it's
members, Hays sure isn't suffering at all. We have become some of the most
popular figures in the Ti Community, even if we are seen as 'code thefts'
wich are completly false accusations. And for those of you who are
convinced we couldn't figure out the basics of Assembly if our lives
depended on it, how do you explain the so called duckhunt and ztetris
'hacks' that took place? Although those were both completly original
programs. And to say we can't even code at all, what about Doorways '98,
Hays Safe '99, Messenger '98, and all our other programs? You can't call us
stupid when we continue to beat the system time and again. And by the way,
we know we aren't a real company, but did you know that we can call
ourselves whatever we please?
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