RE: A83: Grbuf again
RE: A83: Grbuf again
The LCDBusy is defined as:
#define lcdbusy delay-interrupt_start+$8484
so, the LCDbusy is an call to 'delay':
delay: push af ; produce small delay
for lcd driver
inc hl
dec hl
pop af
But why a delay? because the TI's Z80 is faster than the LCD-driver: if
you don't include a delay, the LCD get's overloaded and starts
displaying junk (i think)...
So that's th delay thing...
depends on what type of code... some code works the first time, somtimes
its a stupid bug and takes me 1 or just a few times to recompile and
sometimes it's an hard one and takes me a few hours to find out what's
wrong... and how to fix the bug...
Hope this helped!
Sebastiaan Roodenburg
> hey,
> A while back Jason_K, whom I thank, posted a routine that copies the
> LCD to
> the GBUF ...
> LCD_To_GBUF: ; credits = Ian Graf
> ld hl, Plotsscreen
> ld a, $07
> call LCDBusy
> out ($10), a
> ld a, $80
> ld d, a
> Read_Loop1:
> call LCDBusy
> out ($10), a
> ld a, $20
> call LCDBusy
> out ($10), a
> call LCDBusy
> in a, ($11)
> ld bc,12*256+$11
> Read_Loop2:
> call LCDBusy
> jr nz, Read_Loop2
> inc d
> ld a,d
> cp $BF
> jr nz, Read_Loop1
> ld a, $05
> call LCDBusy
> out ($10), a
> ret
> I didn't look at it until today and I don't get what the lcdbusy
> stands for
> So I took the complete source of capture 83 by Ian Graf and, due to my
> no-knoledge-about-interrupts don't get it now either...
> Could someone explain it to me because the code is't commented
> enough... (my
> opinion) I have attached it ...
> And is there another LCD to GBUF routine that someone could post ?
> thanks.
> Q2: For advanced programmers...
> I was wondering, how many times do you have to correct some code you
> write... I mean, to me it takes me 10 minutes to work up the logical
> suite
> and write the code and then at least 1 hour of debugging. And after 1
> hour
> of work I always come here and ask you for help.... What about you
> what
> pourcentage of your time do you spend in debugging?
> About the unsubscription thing.... Yes it is possible to unsubscribe
> someone
> else, just read the infoletter you received when you joined this list
> .... I
> could post it if you don't have it ....
> the fact that they haven't replied means that thay no longer have
> acces to
> the list.... until the next time they subscribe.
> thanks
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