A83: Grbuf again
A83: Grbuf again
A while back Jason_K, whom I thank, posted a routine that copies the LCD to
the GBUF ...
LCD_To_GBUF: ; credits = Ian Graf
ld hl, Plotsscreen
ld a, $07
call LCDBusy
out ($10), a
ld a, $80
ld d, a
call LCDBusy
out ($10), a
ld a, $20
call LCDBusy
out ($10), a
call LCDBusy
in a, ($11)
ld bc,12*256+$11
call LCDBusy
jr nz, Read_Loop2
inc d
ld a,d
cp $BF
jr nz, Read_Loop1
ld a, $05
call LCDBusy
out ($10), a
I didn't look at it until today and I don't get what the lcdbusy stands for
So I took the complete source of capture 83 by Ian Graf and, due to my
no-knoledge-about-interrupts don't get it now either...
Could someone explain it to me because the code is't commented enough... (my
opinion) I have attached it ...
And is there another LCD to GBUF routine that someone could post ?
Q2: For advanced programmers...
I was wondering, how many times do you have to correct some code you
write... I mean, to me it takes me 10 minutes to work up the logical suite
and write the code and then at least 1 hour of debugging. And after 1 hour
of work I always come here and ask you for help.... What about you what
pourcentage of your time do you spend in debugging?
About the unsubscription thing.... Yes it is possible to unsubscribe someone
else, just read the infoletter you received when you joined this list .... I
could post it if you don't have it ....
the fact that they haven't replied means that thay no longer have acces to
the list.... until the next time they subscribe.
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