Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: how do I run a prog after devpac83'ed
Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: how do I run a prog after devpac83'ed
All i was doing was using a very, very simple program to clear the screen.
it went like this.....
*the regular define and include crud
.org 9327h
call _clrlcdfull
>Ah,'re right. Darn. Hmm, ok lemme see: Actually, I got that
>same message when I tried to run one of my programs...I then tried another
>one, and it worked. The problematic program was:
> call _zerooop1
> ld hl,op1+1
> ld (hl),'W' ; or any other var
> call _rclvarsym ; op1 / op2 -> value
> call _convop1
> ex de,hl
> call _disphl