Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: how do I run a prog after devpac83'ed


Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: how do I run a prog after devpac83'ed

Devpac have always worked good for me, but maybe the problem is when
you use zasmload you need a quite big bunch of free memory, more than
the program size itself.


On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, James Matthews wrote:

> > um... that shouldn't make any difference.
> Ah,'re right.  Darn.  Hmm, ok lemme see:  Actually, I got that
> same message when I tried to run one of my programs...I then tried another
> one, and it worked.  The problematic program was:
>      call _zerooop1
>      ld hl,op1+1
>      ld (hl),'W'     ; or any other var
>      call _rclvarsym ; op1 / op2 -> value
>      call _convop1
>      ex   de,hl
>      call _disphl
> It runs normally, but not devpaced...strange.  Hannes?  Try another
> program, see if it works.
> Later,
> James.
