Re: A83: Re: I am new
Re: A83: Re: I am new
How do you give a number a negative??
Nat Sith
>4- binary: 00000100
> 8 bits
>450- binary: 0000000111000010
> bigger than 8 bits, so it's 16-bits
>Damn man, you should know this if your a programmer. Just keep in mind,
>if a number's between 0 and 255 (unsigned) or -128 and 127(signed) it's
>8-bit. If its between 0 and 655535 (unsigned) or -32768 and 32767 its
>16-bit. Obviously, any 8-bit number can also be 16-bits. The thing is,
>the registers can only hold 8 bits each.m