Re: A83: Re: I am new
Re: A83: Re: I am new
4- binary: 00000100
8 bits
450- binary: 0000000111000010
bigger than 8 bits, so it's 16-bits
Damn man, you should know this if your a programmer. Just keep in mind,
if a number's between 0 and 255 (unsigned) or -128 and 127(signed) it's
8-bit. If its between 0 and 655535 (unsigned) or -32768 and 32767 its
16-bit. Obviously, any 8-bit number can also be 16-bits. The thing is,
the registers can only hold 8 bits each.m
They are:
a, b, c, d, e, h, l, and if you have Joe's new assembly tables ixh,
ixl, iyh, and iyl
Some registers can be combined so that they hold 16-bits total
(obviously). The new 16-bit registers are:
bc, de, hl, ix, and iy
There ya go
See ya,
On Sun, 11 Oct 1998 20:52:28 EDT writes:
>Hey, I am the new guy...I could make a web page for you of the 53
>tutorials...and while I am making the page I might learn something
>from them.
>So why is 450 a 16 bit number and 4 is a 8 bit number and what is the
>difference and why does it matter? Not to sound, well, how I sound but
>I am
>just wondering.
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