Re: A83: Organizer
Re: A83: Organizer
I didn't say anything about any clock. You could just use a calendar that
doesn't tell u what day it is but u would be able to cross out past days and if
u pressed 2nd on a day it would tell u the things u needed to do. try that.
David Phillips wrote:
> We've discussed a clock alot on the A86 list. It is possible, but it
> woudln't be accurate. Someone said they figured out how to make code run
> while the calc is off using IM 1, but I haven't played with it to find out
> how well it works. The problem with a clock program is that the interrupt
> speed (~200 times a second) varies according to your battery level.
> I wrote a simple clock for the 86 that seemed pretty accurate (I only tested
> it once for 10 minutes, but it was 100% accurate for that period). It
> updated itself every second on the upper corner of the screen. I never
> added any options to let you set the time, as it was only a demo, so it
> always started at 00:00:00, but it was still an asm clock, maybe even the
> first.
> I attached the source code to it, it shouldn't take much modification to
> make it work with the 83, but I haven't looked up how to do interrupts on
> the 83. Also, it will pause whenever the calc gets shut off, because it
> uses IM 2 (though you should be able to change it to IM 1 with out much
> trouble). Good luck getting it to run when the calc is off, though that
> would be really cool.
> (Note: according to this clock and my digital watch, the interrupt was
> called exactly 174 times a second...also, I didn't include any code to
> uninstall it, so beware...running it again resets it to 00:00:00)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ceebje <>
> To: <>
> Date: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 2:26 PM
> Subject: Re: A83: Organizer
> >
> >
> >On Mon, 09 Nov 1998 17:51:41 -0600 Gary Hanson
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Is/Has anybody making/mad a program for sos or ashell that orgranizes
> >> your homework for each subject and orgranizes daily events and also
> >> organizes phone #s and addresses and emails and stuff
> >> if not ill try to make one or buy a personal organizer from a store
> >> thanx in advance ppz
> >>
> >> Felix
> >>
> >Hey!
> >
> >I wrote an Orginser program, which only kept names,
> >E-mails and some other personal detials. On the
> >good side, i wrote a sort of communication program
> >so that you can run the orginesr on the PC and transer
> >files and such.
> >
> >But since it was written in my Basic days, it is slow,
> >needs to do all file operations through the graph-link
> >software, and looks a bit dated.
> >
> >I have considered writing some assembly applications
> >(instead of yet more games!)....just not really considered
> >it enougth.
> >
> >It can be downloaded from my site:
> >
> >
> >in the old TI-Basic section...
> >
> >Also, how would you implement *time* on a calcuator? Surally
> >it would need to know what day it was! An internal clock
> >operating inside some low-power mode using the APD counter?
> >
> >Quized,
> >
> >Bill J Ellis
> >
> >----------------
> >Bill James Ellis
> >Heriot-Watt University
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Name: clock.asm
> clock.asm Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
> Encoding: quoted-printable