Re: A83: Organizer
Re: A83: Organizer
We've discussed a clock alot on the A86 list. It is possible, but it
woudln't be accurate. Someone said they figured out how to make code run
while the calc is off using IM 1, but I haven't played with it to find out
how well it works. The problem with a clock program is that the interrupt
speed (~200 times a second) varies according to your battery level.
I wrote a simple clock for the 86 that seemed pretty accurate (I only tested
it once for 10 minutes, but it was 100% accurate for that period). It
updated itself every second on the upper corner of the screen. I never
added any options to let you set the time, as it was only a demo, so it
always started at 00:00:00, but it was still an asm clock, maybe even the
I attached the source code to it, it shouldn't take much modification to
make it work with the 83, but I haven't looked up how to do interrupts on
the 83. Also, it will pause whenever the calc gets shut off, because it
uses IM 2 (though you should be able to change it to IM 1 with out much
trouble). Good luck getting it to run when the calc is off, though that
would be really cool.
(Note: according to this clock and my digital watch, the interrupt was
called exactly 174 times a second...also, I didn't include any code to
uninstall it, so beware...running it again resets it to 00:00:00)
-----Original Message-----
From: ceebje <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: A83: Organizer
>On Mon, 09 Nov 1998 17:51:41 -0600 Gary Hanson
><> wrote:
>> Is/Has anybody making/mad a program for sos or ashell that orgranizes
>> your homework for each subject and orgranizes daily events and also
>> organizes phone #s and addresses and emails and stuff
>> if not ill try to make one or buy a personal organizer from a store
>> thanx in advance ppz
>> Felix
>I wrote an Orginser program, which only kept names,
>E-mails and some other personal detials. On the
>good side, i wrote a sort of communication program
>so that you can run the orginesr on the PC and transer
>files and such.
>But since it was written in my Basic days, it is slow,
>needs to do all file operations through the graph-link
>software, and looks a bit dated.
>I have considered writing some assembly applications
>(instead of yet more games!)....just not really considered
>it enougth.
>It can be downloaded from my site:
>in the old TI-Basic section...
>Also, how would you implement *time* on a calcuator? Surally
>it would need to know what day it was! An internal clock
>operating inside some low-power mode using the APD counter?
>Bill J Ellis
>Bill James Ellis
>Heriot-Watt University