Re: A83: Re: scroll text


Re: A83: Re: scroll text

At 09:17 1998-07-14 -0500, you wrote:
>i made a new version of the routine below...
>-Harper Maddox
>IRC nick: Geori
>ICQ: 1214597
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Hiszpanski <>
>To: assembly digest <>
>Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 10:43 PM
>Subject: A83: scroll text
>>I tried this routine I partialy made but all I get is a blank screen. No
>>text appears. What am I doing wrong?
>>  ld a,96
>>  halt
>>  djnz DELAY
>>  ld hl,53
>>  ld (penrow),hl
>>  ld (pencol),a
>>  ld hl,ONIT
>>  call _vputs
>>  dec a
>>  cp 0
>>  jr z,FIN
>>  ld b,70
>>  jr DELAY
>> .db "**Under Development**",0

The problem is probably that _vputs is fuckin a-reg up...
try pushing af before the call and popping it after...

and to you other..  he _is_ using the B for the djnz..  the ld a,96 sets
the start-col in his progg..  the ld b,70 is the load for djnz..  he
doesn't want a delay the first time...

and the cp 0 or or a instructions are pointless..  the dec-instructions
sets the zeroflag if you reach 0..  so you dont need to cp 0 or or a or

