A83: Re: scroll text


A83: Re: scroll text

i made a new version of the routine below...

-Harper Maddox

IRC nick: Geori
ICQ: 1214597

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hiszpanski <mecad@scv.net>
To: assembly digest <assembly-83-digest@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 10:43 PM
Subject: A83: scroll text

>I tried this routine I partialy made but all I get is a blank screen. No
>text appears. What am I doing wrong?
>  ld a,96
>  halt
>  djnz DELAY
>  ld hl,53
>  ld (penrow),hl
>  ld (pencol),a
>  ld hl,ONIT
>  call _vputs
>  dec a
>  cp 0
>  jr z,FIN
>  ld b,70
>  jr DELAY
> .db "**Under Development**",0

 ld b,8
 halt        ; halts are LONG... you only need about 10... that could
explain why you thought it locked up
 djnz Delay

 xor a            ; X of cursor = 0... this is a smaller opcode than "ld
 ld (penrow),a

 ld a,c
 ld (pencol),a
 ld hl,ONIT
 push bc
 call _vputs
 pop bc            ; messes up registers

 dec a
 or a            ; or a = smaller opcode than "cp 0"
 jr z,FIN
 ld b,8
 jr Delay

 .db "**Under Development**",0

i think that should about do it..
