Re: A83: Need assistance w/simple problem
Re: A83: Need assistance w/simple problem
Try this...
call _clrLCDFull
call _RclX
call _convop1
ld a, e
ld (currow),a
call _RclY
call _convop1
ld a, e
ld (curcol),a
--> ld hl,h
call _puts
Well, basically "_convop1" puts the value in OP1 into DE, and then E will have
that 8-bit value you want, so we load it to A, and load A to Currow or
Curcol... Well, where that arrow is, I dont know what you mean by that, I
suppose you'll do this...
.db "X",0
But I could be wrong, I hope I could be of help everywhere else though... =P
--Jason K.
In a message dated 12/22/98 6:24:26 PM,
>I'm new to asm and the only reason I learned it was to make this ti-basic
>chess program better.
>There's a line in the prog that goes
> :Output(X,Y,"X")
>So far I've gotten the asm to look like
> call _clrLCDFull
> call _RclX
> ld a,op1 ; This is illegal, it seems
> ld (currow),a
> call _RclY
> ld a,op1 ; and so is this
> ld (curcol),a
> ld hl,h
> call _puts
>I get an error for the above 2 lines, "Unused data in MS byte of argument."
>How do I get it to work?
>Francis Huang