A83: Need assistance w/simple problem


A83: Need assistance w/simple problem

I'm new to asm and the only reason I learned it was to make this ti-basic
chess program better.

There's a line in the prog that goes

So far I've gotten the asm to look like
	call _clrLCDFull
	call _RclX
	ld a,op1	; This is illegal, it seems
	ld (currow),a
	call _RclY
	ld a,op1	; and so is this
	ld (curcol),a
	ld hl,h
	call _puts

I get an error for the above 2 lines, "Unused data in MS byte of argument."
How do I get it to work?

Francis Huang


"I had seen chicken passing the street and I believed. 

How many chickens must pass the street before you believe?"

Agent Fox Mouler

"I see the world, where all chickens will have right to pass the street,

without giving their motivation to do so."

Martin Luther King

"And God came to earth and told to chicken: >Pass the street!<

And chicken passed the street and there were a lot of happiness"