Re: A83: External Levels Revisited. :)
Re: A83: External Levels Revisited. :)
Don't make shell-specific external levels, please...
Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Sat, 29 Aug 1998, James Matthews wrote:
> Guys:
> Ok, screw shell-independent :)...anyone got a cool piece of code to load an
> external level for an SOS program, using Lib functions etc. I have an SOS
> tutorial, so I'll just put this tutorial after the SOS one.
> After that's done...I like the collision detection idea from Chris, and I
> wanna explain Movax's sprite routine, I know there's a tutorial on it, but
> its like "put his code here"....I'd like to explain it. I also want to add
> a tutorial about linkport stuff, but perhaps not how to code a protocol
> etc., more explaining the basics of it. It'll be a
> "This-is-FYI-figure-the-rest-out-yourself" tutorial :)...I also want direct
> LCD Driver stuff, but I'm waiting for Ian on that...once that's done, I can
> use his program for a interupt tutorial, oh, and there's Joe's movie text
> program that I'd like to put in. Then its wait for Pat and finish off what
> he tells us about everything else.
> Later,
> James.