Re: A83: Invert Function in SOS's Zlib library.. I Need HELP!
Re: A83: Invert Function in SOS's Zlib library.. I Need HELP!
Oh.. okay.. I was loading libB. I thought that was the invert function..
apparently not!
I can see now why my calc was crashing.. and about CalcEm, when I tried to
dump my rom, it ended up not being the right size or something, and then when
I tried to get calcem to run it, it would just freeze up. So, I just chucked
the whole thing and used what I knew would work.. plus, the idea of trying to
keep track of all the calc keys on your keyboard, hmm.. not for me. Thanks
anyways though.. (the source of all my programming/computer problems are my
stupidity.. it even shows through when I do any C++ programming, 2 years of it
and I still make really stupid bugs... oh well..) Good day all!