A83: Re: sprite question


A83: Re: sprite question

> Ok, here's the deal. I am using sprites and looked at James' tutorials
> about them. I see that he is using graph coordinates (-10 through 10) for
> the initial X and Y coordinates. Is the any way to give X and Y initial
> pixel coordinated (0-96, 0-64), or is this just a stupid question. 

I did?!...wait.  Nope I didn't :)...10,10 means merely 10 pixels down, 10
pixels across.  Did you try the program? :)

> By the way, I was suprised to find that Movax is still alive. I haven't
> heard from him in months. Maybe I just don't read this list carefully
> enough. :)

Oh, he's alive...he's VERY MUCH alive.  Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha.
