Re: A83: math poem


Re: A83: math poem

Nice to see your making good use of your time :  )

On Sat, 15 Aug 1998 22:18:40 +0100 Linus Akesson <>
>Not that this has anything whatsoever to do with ti-83 asm 
>programming, it's
>just a poem I finished today. Thought you might enjoy it... (this is 
>hehehee =))
>                               THE FINAL PROOF
>                              by Linus Akesson
>                      We'll first assume that y plus 3
>                          Is equal to the letter b
>                                    y+3=b
>                       Next step would be to multiply
>                       Both sides with, say, b minus y
>                              (y+3)(b-y)=b(b-y)
>                       When this equation's simplified
>                       (as much as possible per side)
>                              by-y²+3b-3y=b²-by
>                       It's clear enough for us to see
>                          That if we do subtract 3b
>                              by-y²-3y=b²-by-3b
>                         It's possible to factorize
>                    And soon you won't believe your eyes
>                              y(b-y-3)=b(b-y-3)
>                        'Cause cancelling the obvious
>                     Does leave a startling sight to us:
>                                     y=b
>                       Since y plus 3's the same as b
>                        Then y must be itself plus 3!
>                                    y=y+3

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