[A82] Re: ROM-offset


[A82] Re: ROM-offset

> Van: Kouri <Kouri@ucdavis.edu>
> For ROM v19.0: _delmem = 25A7h

Thank you, but why should I look at SuperMario editor? Is the usage of
_delmem so different from what we have on the Ti83(+)?

I think I've found a way to lookup the previous running program:

($8D0E)-9 = last run program (?always?).

[$8D0E = Pointer to last byte of used mem]

By substracting 9 each time you can get the progs executed before this one.
Now only to find out where the TIOS stores how many programs are currently
runnning... (plus, I'm missing the pointer(s) that say where in the
program(s) left off...)

If you go back (with steps of 9) you will reach prgm# (you could check for
that), then
$05,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 (empty program descriptor).
And at last 5 (?always?) times $00,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 (??).

	Henk Poley <><