A82: Poll
A82: Poll
Hi. Just a quick poll here. Which editor do you prefer? Windows Notepad, DOS Edit, or other?
I am trying to incorporate the best features of each into my program.
For example, Edit has a free moving cursor. That is, you can move the cursor to any part of the screen and just start
typing away. But in Notepad, the cursor must follow the text. You can't just click at a point on the screen and start
typing there. However having the cursor follow the text is sometimes better for browsing through files. So which style
would you prefer? I can do either. Right now I'm doing the Notepad style, so if more people would rather have the Edit
style, tell me now!
Edit doesn't have a word wrap feature, but Notepad does. I've already included a word wrap feature in my program.
Notepad has selectable fonts, Edit doesn't. My program has two selectable fonts, and both have full ASCII character
Edit has selectable tab sizes. Notepad doesn't. Right now my program has tabs fixed at 8 spaces. If enough people want
it, I'll try to make it variable though.
Neither Edit nor Notepad has a goto line: x feature. This I want to implement as well.
There are lots of little things that make a good editor, and I'll try to include as many of them as I can. What are your
favorite editor features?