A82: Keys
A82: Keys
Has someone never got trouble by exiting a game when he just wanted to
pause it?
That's why I propose to make a reference file where every programer - that
wants to make his program the more useful as possible for the user - could
find wich function to associate with which key.
So give your opinion of something like that:
To move : the arrows (easy)
The first action key : 2nd
The second action key : ALPHA
The third action key : Y= (like in Squarez)
The forth action key : XTO
The option keys: Y= WINDOW ZOOM TRACE GRAPH (in reference of the function
keys of the TI85 and TI86, some games use that : LD2, DStar)
To pause : MODE or DEL ?
To quit : CLEAR or MODE ?
To save : DEL or STO> ?
Moreover some other keys could assume other functions : ENTER, ON, PRGM,
Eric Piel