Re: A82: CrASH Hacked!!!!
Re: A82: CrASH Hacked!!!!
At 05:37 PM 6/6/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Grant Stockly wrote:
>> Someone needs to make a shell with proper vat routines.
Agreed. Would you like the source code :P
Speaking along those lines, I've already had two requests for the source
code. Since everyone is SUPER-DUPER TICKED OFF AT ME, I will not be
releasing it...just to appease most of your appetites. After this run in
with you guys and your apparently strong feelings against people exploring
the realm of programming, I therefore won't explore the realm of shells. I
had no idea that you guys would get so ticked off. Won't even mention the
word shell again. NOW ARE YOU HAPPY??!?!?!?!?!?!
>I really think the author(s) or Ash & CrASH should get together and make
>one standard shell for the TI-82. They are so similar - Ash 3.1 runs
>CrASH programs and CrASH 1.3 runs Ash 3.0 programs. That is crazy.
Better yet, we should create a list of standard features that we think is
necessary in a shell and then create that standard shell. As to my input
into this list, I think the shell needs to be able to be customized by the
user the first time it is run (such as if the user wants the highlight bar
to scroll smoothly, or if they want a blank screen on exit, or if they want
the name of the program instead of the title to appear, or even a split
window). This way, everyone will be happy with the standard shell. Sure
it might be 500 bytes larger than the current shell, but no one would have
an excuse to make another shell because they don't like the layout.
I personally won't be participating in making this new shell because you
guys don't want me to explore the realm of shell making.
I'm sorry I even brought this topic up. I realize now that I wasted 7
hours of my life and nobody is happy with me because of it. Maybe that's
because I said that I was going to make a shell from the source code, or
maybe something else. Anyway, whatever it is, I had no idea that you would
all suddenly decide that programming was bad/wrong. Sure ripping apart
CrASH wasn't one of the brighter things I've done recently, but it didn't
require a zillion people telling me to not program my own shell. I never
even said I would distribute the shell I made, did I? You were flaming me
for experimentation in the programming realm. Einstein experimented, was
made fun of/flamed, and is an international hero. So, I guess I'm saying,
(I'm not an Einstein yet) you flamed me for no reason. I'm S-O-R-R-Y.
What more can I say?
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"