Re: A82: CrASH bug saga is over.........


Re: A82: CrASH bug saga is over.........

	actually, i know the authors, and they wrote it themselves...all the
"simple" things you listed about crash may be simple, but thats not the
point..the point is they're there! And it did implement larger program
size...who cares if ash was gonna do it next version...look how long its
been since 3.0 and 3.1b. I would have had to wait forever to do dying eyes,
ffx4, and port joltima if it hadnt been for the release of crash. Its more
user friendly, that doesnt mean 'elitist' friendly.

"its like the cold if you were dead
and you smiled for a second..."

> From: Greg Milewski <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: A82: CrASH bug saga is over.........
> Date: Thursday, July 02, 1998 11:41 PM
> i am SOOOO sorry, m'lord alex.
> crash is just a ripoff of ash, even the whole ui is the same! crash just
> duplicated ash and threw in some routines. oooh. wow. any lazy bum could
> do the same. hell, even ryan could do it.
> what advantages did crash give that ash couldn't? larger programs for
> one... ooh. and that would have been accomplished by the next update of
> ash.
> let's list, shall we?
> isr -- ooh, boy, something else to crash our calcs with, hmm? usgard's
> way of installing interrupts is FLAWLESS.
> CR_GRBCopy -- Patrick Davidson's is FASTER
> CP_HL_BC -- HOLY SHIT!! this is WAY too hard to accomplish on our own.
> CR_KHAND -- oh, boy, less variable space just because someone presses
> 2nd-off durin a game.
> RAND -- wow. too hard, and when you play tunnel, it can go in a straight
> line for 20 minutes.  use Jimmy Mardell's 		from ZTetris.
> EXIT_2_TIOS -- name 1 REAL game that has used this.
> this crap calls are not all that useful.  most can easily be done in
> one's SLEEP.
> i for one hate crash because the authors are stuck up jerks.  dines is
> the shell god here, along with the author of OS-82, Jason Todd.  THEY
> deserve more credit. they "hacked" the roms, figured out how the calc
> works.  CRASH just looked at ash and said "ditto"
> -Greg
> EMAIL:;;
> ICQ: 9437474     AOL IM: l0rdg0at42
> WEB:    *or*
> On Thu, 02 Jul 1998 14:26:31 PDT "Evil Sam" <>
> writes:
> >
> >>	What an idiotic way to phrase that...he didnt "kick his ass". 
> >Why does
> >>everyone hate CrASH so much, i like it a lot. I also found it helped 
> >the
> >>programmer more, with more call's and stuff. Grow up...
> >>						~Alex
> >>> 
> >
> >  Yes, sir Mr. Alex, sir. 
> >   Seriously though, I agree with you. I like CrASH and used it on my 
> >calc before I got a hold of ASH v3.1. My only complaints are that my 
> >games don't work correctly with it for some reason and I can never 
> >contact the authors to do anything about it. Both problems don't occur 
> >
> >with Dines and ASH v3.1.
> >   Sam
> >
> >
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