Re: A82: Galaxian Help!
Re: A82: Galaxian Help!
The problem is in the contrast and display controler parts. The only
solution I know of is to remove those completely. I mean, changing the
contrast when pausing may be nice, but really isn't needed. That is how
the bugs can be fixed!
**comments below added to source**
\ /
Evil Sam wrote:
> Sorry to be clogging up the list with long messages and constant
> Galaxian problems. I'm pretty sure I've located the problem when running
> Galaxian with CrASH. You know the one where you play Galaxian press
> Clear, then exit CrASH by pressing MODE, then reenter CrASH by using the
> PGRM button, then the calc immediately crashes. I'm positive it has
> something to do with my pause routine. I implimented the pause routine in
> Orzunoid and now that game has the CrASh problem as well. Heres the pause
> routine maybe someone could show me where the problem is and how to fix
> it :)
> pause: LD HL,0
> ld (CURSOR_ROW),hl
> ld hl,paused_msg
> ld hl,$b05
> ld (CURSOR_ROW),hl
> ld hl,(lives)
> ld hl,$b06
> ld (CURSOR_ROW),hl
> ld hl,(level)
> ld hl,$b07
> ld (CURSOR_ROW),hl
> ld hl,(score)
> paused_loop:
> REMOVE call DISP_DELAY ;Probably unnecessary
> REMOVE ld a,(CONTRAST) ;Load normal contrast value
> REMOVE add a,$D8 ;Convert to display controller
> REMOVE out ($10),a ;Send command to display controller
> call GET_KEY
> cp G_ENTER
> ret z
> REMOVE jr nz,no_plus
> REMOVE ld a,(hl)
> REMOVE cp $3f
> REMOVE jr z,no_plus
> REMOVE inc (hl)
> no_plus: cp G_MINUS
> jr nz,no_minus REMOVE ALL of no_plus
> ld a,(hl)
> cp $18
> jr z,no_minus
> dec (hl)
> no_minus:
> REMOVE jr paused_loop
> paused_msg:
> .db "Galaxian 82 v2.0"
> .db "---> PAUSED <---"
> .db "<ENTER> : resume"
> .db "<+> : contrast +"
> .db "<-> : contrast -"
> .db "LIVES ---> "
> .db "LEVEL ---> "
> .db "SCORE --->",0